
By Catherine Franz

Having our own secret secrets, ones that you never dare tell
anyone else, creates emotional stress. When they build,
they ruin your health. They can make you angry with people,
and even at the whole world in general.

Knowing secrets about other people creates drama and builds
excitement. It is also a trillion dollar industry. Just
look at the tabloids.

Four elements create the formula that builds into a guarded
and destructive secret:

Guilt + Fear + Judgment + Person = Secret

Secrets need to be let go and there are three 離婚したくない場合の奥の手 ways to do
just that:

1. Talk with a therapist.

2. Talk to the person that the secret is connected too.
Maybe you need to apologize or ask for forgiveness. Maybe
you feel they need to. You will usually find that they were
feeling the same thing. Use an intermediary, like a coach,
or a therapist, or someone trained to stay neutral and guide
the discussion if needed.

If the person is deceased, then talk with someone you trust
implicitly like a coach or therapist. Let them provide
feedback on what they are hearing in-between the lines and
give some course of action suggestions.

3. If it was something they did to you, find out more about
that person, what was their life like, who were they, what
pressures did they have in their life, what were their